We have discussed How do you Clean Orascoptic Loupes before, and how laser safety goggles can help keep your eyes safe when cleaning with an ultrasonic cleaner. But, are they really needed for laser safety?
The answer is, No. There are many other ways to clean these ultra-thin ropes without any need for special, protective eyewear.
These loupes are medical devices that may be necessary for long-term therapy, such as in the case of distance vision loss. They are designed to be worn under normal clothing and will usually be placed under an orthopedic pillow for more comfortable wear.
Unfortunately, some patients who have these loupes, because of their thickness, may not want to remove them. They feel uncomfortable and might not want to get rid of their bulky, uncomfortable devices. Some people might like to remove the ropes, but find that it is hard to get around with the loops and also might need someone to help them.
Other patients don’t want to remove their houses. Instead, they want to wear them, but don’t want the eyes discomforting them. They would rather have an alternative protection, such as eye drops, so they don’t have to remove their eye shields.
The only problem with this solution is that it’s very difficult to find a company that makes good, high quality eye drops, that do not cost a lot of money. Even worse, there are so many different brands of eye drops, that you really can’t say which one is going to work the best for you. However, one type of loupes that can be used for these purposes is the thermal safe glasses. These glasses protect you from temperature extremes that can affect your eyes. The glasses are made from special materials and have a coating over them that will filter out all thermal heat.
So, there is no need to remove your thermal glasses when you’re cleaning these loupes. However, it’s important to know how to clean these lenses. Here are some tips to follow:
First, we would recommend that you first read the manual that comes with your cleaning system, to ensure that you’re using the proper cleaning methods. You can also use our kit to try the process at home before you buy a cleaning system.
Second, you should always clean your eye shields before removing them. If you remove your eye shields before you’ve cleaned them, then you’ll probably find the cleaning a bit difficult.
Third, we would recommend that you only use a hand held ultrasonic cleaner for cleaning these ultra thin loupes. Our kits come with an ultrasonic cleaning system that cleans your loupes without causing damage to your eyes, and we recommend it for those with weak or delicate eyes.
And, for those of you with severe problems, we highly recommend you have your eyes checked by an ophthalmologist, as a medical device that doesn’t interfere with their eyesight may be needed. For more information on this topic, please see our site.
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